Duties of an occupational therapist

Duties of an occupational therapist

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For many, the scope of action of this specific type of professional is unclear, as occupational therapy is perhaps one of the most unknown disciplines associated with medicine. Although occupational therapy has a high impact on health and quality of life, there are many people and even medical professionals and health centers, who are not aware of the benefits that this discipline can bring to medical treatment.

In this article you will learn what an occupational therapist does and what his or her functions are.

What is an occupational therapist?

An occupational therapist is a transdisciplinary professional specialized in socio-health who is in charge of the study and treatment of all types of functional limitations or disabilities, with the purpose of improving or optimizing the patient's autonomy and quality of life through direct physical treatment.

The role of the occupational therapist is crucial in the rehabilitation process, because with the approach to daily activities and coordination of behavioral, physical and emotional aspects, it seeks to optimize the functionality of each patient.

Functions of an occupational therapist

To understand the functions of an occupational therapist, you should know that occupational therapy consists of a conglomerate of techniques and methods that, when applied for therapeutic purposes, make it possible to preserve or recover an ideal state of health, restore reduced bodily functions and improve performance in daily or instrumental activities.

According to the EPONA clinic, occupational therapy is defined as "the art and science of directing man's response to selected activity to promote and maintain health, to prevent disability, to assess behavior, and to treat or train patients with physical or psychosocial dysfunctions".

Before describing the functions of an occupational therapist, remember that its main objective is the human occupation and its role in the health status of the individual, regardless of the age of the patient. To meet this objective, the occupational therapist evaluates the set of physical, psychological and social factors that alter the person's capacity and impair his or her participation in daily or work-related activities. In this way, the aim is to be able to fulfill the following specific objectives:

  • Prevent disability.

  • Promote quality of life and health.

  • To improve the levels of functioning in patients limited by injury, physical or mental problems, dysfunctional conditions or alterations in the development of learning.

The therapeutic objectives are achieved with the use of techniques or activities specifically designed to:

  • Attenuate the ailment or stop it.

  • Optimize the functional capacity of patients.

  • Facilitate the learning of skills and functions that help or complement the adaptation of the subject to the environment, whether it is a physical, family, social or work environment.

  • Promote and maintain health.

But what is the job of an occupational therapist? In this broad sense, the functions of a therapist are determined by these specific characteristics:

  • Evaluate and assess a person's physical abilities, as well as his or her limitations.

  • Tocreate specific and functional treatments according to the individualized goals of patients that are in accordance with their abilities, needs and interests.

  • Re-educate, only if necessary, patients in the method of basic activities of daily living, such as eating, use of public transportation, hygiene, etc.

  • Assess, design and prescribe effective trainingmethods for the use of prostheses and assistive devices.

  • Adapt work or daily environments to eliminate physical and/or social barriers that hinder the performance of people in their occupations.

  • Advise patients in the use of leisure and free time.

  • Guiding companies or companies, as well as family or group dynamics to improve employability conditions and opportunities for insertion of all types of employees or members.

  • Collaborate with public and/or privateinstitutions for the development of programs aimed at the promotion of health and social participation of the population with or without disabilities.

The occupational therapist is a professional who teaches, educates and promotes positive and competent behaviors that improve the performance of people in their daily lives, especially in those who experience deficits in their physical or psychosocial performance. In this sense, their expertise is essential in the health field, and strategic for any comprehensive health center that seeks overall wellness in all transcendental aspects of life.

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