The keys to open a Beauty Salon in Colombia

The keys to open a Beauty Salon in Colombia

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In recent years, the beauty industry has gained some strength and beauty salons have become businesses capable of generating excellent income.

If you have thought about opening one, you should take into account the following tips, in order to make a difference.

Come up with a good concept

Look for a unique concept and according to the target audience you are looking to serve, for this you should pay special attention to the decoration, location and the professionals to hire.

Look for a mentor

If you do not have experience as an administrator, before opening your salon, seek the advice of a professional who has been a salon owner for a long time. He or she will be able to answer your questions and guide you in the right direction.

Make sure your salon is as modern as possible.

With so much competition, your salon has to make a difference. Therefore, as much as you can, equip it with the latest technology and the best quality implements and supplies.

Go modern when it comes to management.

Nowadays, you can implement the use of a hair salon software that allows you to offer online reservations, control your income and intelligently manage your client database.

All this will allow you to offer a higher quality service and manage your assets in the smartest way possible.

Your work should be responsive to your social media activity.

Don't fall into the error of those stylists who post stunning photographs on their accounts, but in reality have neither the experience nor the talent to pull off such jobs. That may bring in a client one day, but rest assured they won't come back. Develop your skills before using social media to promote yourself.

Regardless of the salon software you use or the quality of the supplies you use, keep in mind that in a salon you are working with people's self-esteem and the way they feel. Take care of them and strive to give them those things that make them happy. That will make you a better stylist.

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