Learn about brossage and the benefits of this exfoliation technique.

Learn about brossage and the benefits of this exfoliation technique.

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Beauty professionals need to be aware of the new trends in the world of aesthetics and know how to start implementing it in their premises. Today we will talk about brossage, a facial technique that is revolutionizing the world of esthetics.

The term brossage comes from French and means brushing. This name is applied to the treatment as it is a mechanical exfoliation technique during which, with specific machinery, it seeks to remove dead skin. After you read this article, you will want to add this novel technique to your salon and offer it to your clients.

What is brossage?

Brossage is an exfoliation technique in which specialized brushes are used to remove dead skin cells and stimulate circulation in the area where it is applied. It is generally used as a facial treatment, but can also be performed on the body if the client requires it.

It is highly recommended for people with dry and not very luminous skin, as well as for those seeking to reduce scars. It is also recommended as a step prior to certain facial treatments, as it will make the skin better absorb the chemicals that are going to be used.

Benefits of brossage

The brossage technique has many benefits for the client, among the main and most significant are its cleansing properties that stimulate collagen production and make the skin look brighter. Brossage also stimulates blood circulation where it is applied.

In addition, it is a great option for clients who will have more specialized treatments, since by preparing the skin you can ensure better absorption of the treatment and, therefore, better results.

The benefits are many and its contraindications are very few, making brossage the ideal technique to adopt in your facility. You should only take into consideration that it is not a treatment suitable for people who suffer from acne, and that after performing it, it is important to recommend that the client avoids sun exposure.

How to apply brossage?

The procedure is relatively simple, but to ensure dream results you must be attentive to some details. Below, we explain them to you:

  • Prepare the skin: This may seem the simplest step, but at the same time it is the most important. Cleaning the surface on which you are going to work, in this case the skin, is essential to obtain the best possible results. In addition, it is advisable to moisten the skin with warm water to open the pores for your client.

  • Determine what type of skin your client has: This is where the importance of being a detail person comes in. You must determine if your client has rough, oily, sensitive or dry skin, as this will determine the type of brush you should use on their complexion. For sensitive or dry skin you should use a soft brush and for rough or oily skin a stiff brush.

  • Choose the cream: A large part of the treatment is based on choosing the right cream to perform the exfoliation. Depending on the type of skin and the areas to be worked on, you will have a variety of options to choose from.

  • Start the treatment: Once you have done the steps mentioned above you can start the treatment.Remember to wet the brushes beforehand to achieve the best results.

  • End of treatment: After finishing the treatment, you should clean your client's face and you can apply any nourishing oil or moisturizer.

Brossage equipment

Now that you know what the steps of the procedure are, here are some of the equipment you can use to perform the treatment so you can start considering it in your salon

  • The professional brossage brush: This is the traditional equipment and has 3 different brushes and 2 heads that you can use in your treatments.

  • Brossage B-System Brush: Unlike the previous equipment, this one can be integrated to other multifunction systems of the B-System series, it also has 5 heads to perform the treatments.

You can also find some multifunction machines where you can perform several treatments, including brossage. It all depends on your needs and your client's expectations.

You already know all about brossage! What are you waiting for to start implementing it in your salon? It's a novel and innovative exfoliation technique that will make your esthetic the favorite place for your clients.

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